Townsend Society of America
Established in 1962
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
(614) 815-1509
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Title   Author Call Number
American Armoury and Blue Book Matthews, John 1908 00002
American Genealogy Holgate, Jerome 1848 00001
Americans of Gentle Birth Pittman, H.D. 1903 00003
Americans of Gentle Birth Pittman, H.D. 1907 00001
An Historical Sketch of Deer Isle Hosmer, George L. 1886 00003
An Index to the Long Islander, 1839-1864, Marriage Stevens, Marian F. 1974 00001
An Introduction to Occupations - A Preliminary List Culling, Joyce 2003 00002
An Officer of the Long Parliament - See Download Area, Thomas of Lynn Townshend, Richard; Dorthea 1892 00007
An Officer of the Long Parliament Townshend, Richard; Dorthea 1892 00007
An Officer of the Long Parliament Townshend, Richard; Dorthea 1892 00007
Ancestral Records and Portraits 1910 00004
Ancestral Records and Portraits 1910 00005
Ancestral Register of DAR - 1896 1897 00002
Annals of Augusta County Waddell, Joseph 1888 00008
Annals of Calais Maine and - St. Stephen New Brunswick Knowlton, Rev. IC 1875 00002
Annals of Newtown Riker, James Jr. 1852 00005
Annals of the Swedes On The Delaware Clay, Jehu Curtis 1858 00001
Annals of the Van Rensselaers Van Rensselaer, Maunsell 1888 00006
Annals of Warren and Waldo Patent Eaton, Cyrus 1851 00002
Antiques and Their Values, 1800-1950 Curtis, Tony 1978 00001
Antiquities of Long Island 1875 00004
Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series - Marriage Records 1665-1800 1900 00013
Arms and Armor in Colonial America Peterson, Harold L.
As We Were - The Story of Old Elizabethtown Thayer, Theodore 1964 00002
Atlantic County Marriage Records 0000 00002